1. Best Movies Like Polizeirevier Davidswache | BestSimilar
Some movies like Polizeirevier Davidswache: The Joker (1987), Angels of the Street (1969), Hot Traces of St. Pauli (1971), Double Game (1977), Taxi Hunter (1993) ...
Movies Similar to Polizeirevier Davidswache: The Joker (1987), Angels of the Street (1969), Hot Traces of St. Pauli (1971), Double Game (1977), Taxi Hunter (1993), Blood in the Streets (1973), Madigan (1968), Execution Squad (1972), Getaway Plan (2016), Hunted City (1979)
2. Movies like Disturbing Behavior - TasteDive
Similar movies · The Rage: Carrie 2 · Brainscan · Deadly Friend · Firestarter · The Faculty · The Stepford Wives · Cherry Falls · Urban Legend.
Similar movies like Disturbing Behavior include Deadly Friend, The Faculty, Cherry Falls…
3. Down Periscope Similar Movies - FlixPatrol
1 mrt 1996 · Down Periscope Similar Movies · Česká soda · The Man Who Knew Too Little · Scary Movie · Hot Shots! · Hot Shots! Part Deux · Not Another Teen Movie.
Find similar Movies like Down Periscope which are popular on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, Disney+ right now.
4. Davidwache Police Station - Hamburg.com
Along with the Reeperbahn street, Davidwache can be seen in numerous movies, for example St. Pauli Nacht (1999). In Polizeirevier Davidswache (1964) it even ...
Due to many TV and movie appearances, the historical Davidwache in St. Pauli is the most well-known police station of the city.
5. Against Hamburg's backdrop - Top 10 film and television locations
The German tragicomedy "Honig im Kopf" by and with Til Schweiger from 2014 is set in many scenes in and around Hamburg. The film is about 11-year-old Tilda ( ...
We show you where filming has already taken place in the film city of Hamburg!
6. Movies like Deserter - TasteDive
Similar movies like Deserter include The Great War, 5 Days of War, Private Peaceful…
7. ATM Similar Movies - FlixPatrol
6 apr 2012 · ATM Similar Movies ; Nerve · 06/27/2016 · 6.5/10. 67%. 294 ; Devil · 09/17/2010 · 6.3/10. 49%. 847 ; Buried · 09/24/2010 · 7.0/10. 86%. 90 ...
Find similar Movies like ATM which are popular on Netflix, iTunes, Amazon, Disney+ right now.
8. The Davidwache, Germany's most famous Police Station - VoiceMap
The David Watch is known around Germany because it has been in dozens of German movies, television series and documentaries. ... like a great deal. However ...
Coming up on your left-hand side is Germany's most famous police station, the "Davidwache" or "David Watch". please stop in front of the police station. If you like, you can also move further back to get a better look and take some photos. The David Watch is known around Germany because it has been in dozens of German movies, television series and documentaries. There are a lot of films produced in St.Pauli just because it is such a great place for detective stories, crime scenes, thrillers and other types of movies. Most people don't know though that the David Watch is also Europe's smallest precinct with being less than 1 square Kilometer... But, it is also one of Germany's busiest police stations. There are only around 21,000 residents who live in St.Pauli but you have to remember, usually, every year there are over 24 million visitors that come here. And... the later it gets, the more alcohol that is drunk which means the more the police have their hands full. Every year there are over 16,000 violations of the law that are registered right here at the Davidwache. Most of these violations are things getting stolen. There are a lot of pick-pockets here in St.Pauli so you do have to be very cautious about your personal belongings and valuables here. Of course, you can have a great time here. There are a lot of really great things going on here in St.Pauli... But you do have to use a bit of common sense here as well. I will put it this way, there are a lot of people her...
9. Davidwache (Hambourg) - Everything you need to know in 2024 - Explorial
It gained recognition through its frequent appearances in German crime films and television series like “Großstadtrevier”. Its location on the Reeperbahn at ...
If you're planning a trip to Hamburg, Germany, make sure to include the iconic Davidwache in your itinerary. Situated on the famous Reeperbahn street in St.
10. The 16 Best Movies Like 'Hacksaw Ridge', Ranked By Fans - Ranker
The What To Watch If You Love 'Hacksaw Ridge', as voted on by fans. Current Top 3: Saving Private Ryan, 1917, Unbroken.
Looking for the best movies like Hacksaw Ridge? From Hollywood classics to new films, this list of movies similar to Hacksaw Ridge feature gritty war stories that really put you in the middle of the action. 1917 and Fury are great examples of movies that fans of Hacksaw Ridge love because they...
11. Best Movies Like I Am David | BestSimilar
Movies Similar to I Am David: Edges of the Lord (2001), The Snow Walker (2003), Duma (2005), King Jack (2015), Tom Brown's Schooldays (2005), Fly Away Home ...
Movies Similar to I Am David: Edges of the Lord (2001), The Snow Walker (2003), Duma (2005), King Jack (2015), Tom Brown's Schooldays (2005), Fly Away Home (1996), The Zigzag Kid (2012), End of the Spear (2005), White Fang (1991), The Way Back (2010)
12. Davidwache - Hamburg Tourismus
Hamburg bekanntestes Polizeikommissariat ist das beste Beispiel für St. Paulis gelebte Toleranz: Die DAVIDWACHE HAMBURG. Hier stehen Polizisten und ...
Hamburg bekanntestes Polizeikommissariat ist das beste Beispiel für St. Paulis gelebte Toleranz: Die DAVIDWACHE HAMBURG. Hier stehen Polizisten und Prostituierte Seite an Seite.
13. Which Films Were Underappreciated in Their Time? A Statistical Analysis
21 feb 2024 · Many of the movies on this list are commercial low points in the careers of otherwise distinguished directors, like Terry Gilliam's Fear and ...
Which movies slipped through the cracks but eventually found their audience?
14. March | 2010 | You're Doing It Wrong - Pamela Rentz
29 mrt 2010 · It was spectacular. My last dinner on vacation Zeppos. I usually don't like to ask the hotel or touristy places about restaurants because I ...
German Train ticket purchased at Munich Airport.